Friends: Nicky Patton from the Proper Kitchen is running a fund raiser for First Pres during November and December. 5% of every order purchased during these months will be given to First Pres. Please see her menu available for Tuesday only as Thanksgiving in on Thursday. I will send you her menus on Fridays but please feel free to sign up with her to receive them directly. Her food is delicious! Please consider this tasty way of making a donation to our church. Orders for Tuesday have to be in by Monday and orders for Thursday have to be in by Wednesday. Please see her weekly email below.
Whether you pick manicotti, quinoa quiche, or both, you’ll be prepared for the extra mouths that are around and need to be fed in the days before the BIG DAY. They’re both completely fine in the fridge for a couple of days, or you can even freeze either of them to have over the weekend. Whether you’re cooking or traveling on Thursday, plan ahead with The Proper Kitchen and you won’t have to worry about dinner this week except for the bird! Also, pick up a couple of extra batches of blueberry muffins, they’re a perfect snack or addition to breakfast or brunch.
For those of you new to The Proper Kitchen, simply reply to any of my emails to order. Please let me know what you’d like, how many servings, and if you’d like to pick up your food or have it delivered (see immediately below for details.) Please get your Tuesday orders in by 12 noon today (Monday). Let me know if you’d like to pick up your food at First Presbyterian Church between2:00 and 2:30, or if you’d like me to deliver to your Ridgewood or Glen Rock house free of charge between 3 and 6pm. Finally, if you’re worried that you won’t be home, you can always leave an envelope with payment and a cooler out for me, and I’ll leave your food as per your instructions.
For payment, we accept cash or check, made out to “The Proper Kitchen”, and for those of you who enjoyed paying online, I am now also accepting PayPal. You can transfer money to nicky@theproperkitchen.com with your PayPal account. Please indicate in your order that you will be paying this way, and I will mark you down as paid when I see the transfer.
Finally, if you need to reach me about your order on a cooking day (Tuesday and Thursday), it’s best to text me since I never really get a chance to check my email on those days. My cell is 201-925-5673. Any other day and for ordering, email is great!
Have a wonderful weekend,